
  • Ideen, Tipps für den Unterricht mit Tablets

    • KinderApp Box - Kinder lernen sprechen in den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Ungarisch

      Mit der KinderApp lernen Kleinkinder, ab einem Jahr, den Namen und die Aussprache von 60 wichtigen Objekten Ihrer häuslichen Umgebung kennen.

      Textquelle: https://itunes.apple.com/at/app/kinderapp-kinder-lernen-sprechen/id445809432?mt=8

      Quelle: https://itunes.apple.com/at/app-bundle/kinderapp-box-kinder-lernen/id918919774?mt=8

      Grafikquelle: http://www.kinderapp.com/

    • Multidingsda ist eine App, zur Unterstützung beim Erlernen einer Sprache.

      Quelle: https://itunes.apple.com/at/app/multidingsda/id418298512?mt=8

    • Shadow Puppet Edu (iOS) Logo

      Easily create videos in the classroom! Students as young as five can make videos to tell stories, explain ideas, or document their learning. 30+ lesson ideas supporting Common Core make it easy to get started!

      ∙ Present a project or describe an experience
      ∙ Search Library of Congress, NASA, Met Museum, Creative Commons, and more for images to explain an idea
      ∙ Develop digital storytelling skills
      ∙ Demonstrate understanding of a concept for assessment
      ∙ Improve speaking skills or practice reading aloud

      ∙ Create mini-lessons for blended learning or flipped classroom
      ∙ Develop more engaging prompts for assignments or discussions
      ∙ Provide examples of final projects

      Textquelle 20150210: https://itunes.apple.com/at/app/shadow-puppet-edu/id888504640?mt=8

    • Create videos in the classroom with Shadow Puppet Edu